◎Mustard stepped on something and has developed a sore on his paw. Please clean the sore daily and check his cage to make sure there isn’t anything lying around that might injure his paw.
◎Yoyo came back to the holding center. She needs to have medicine applied 3 times a day, have her bandage changed, and needs help urinating. We also need to write down her medical records.
◎Joey went to the vet today to learn how to administer an IV drip. Joey will help Long John, who needs to go on an IV drip every day to replenish fluids.

(Long John, Shoey, and Xiao Huang )
◎Skal went to the vet to be spayed. Eric also went to the vet for a follow-up visit to see how his leg was healing after his operation. Kiki had a follow-up visit to check on her eyes.
◎Skal’s wheelchair arrived today. Yeah!!!
◎The holding center was cleaned from top to bottom. Thanks to all the staff for working overtime to participate in the big cleanup. Thanks also to all the volunteers who participated, including Rosa and Rita Cheng. Everyone did a great job and the holding center looks spic-and-span!
◎Ricky’s foster mom sent us some great news.
She loves Ricky so much she decided to adopt him.

◎Hobbit picked on Shoey today, leaving bite marks on Shoey’s neck and legs. Please remember to clean Shoey’s wounds daily and keep an eye on how he interacts with his roommates.

(Naughty Hobbit!!)

(Poor Shoey)
◎The cat which was rescued because of an injured tail has a new name, President. He is terribly afraid of people, so once his tail has healed, President will be neutered and released back where he was found.
◎Skal had a busy day! She was measured for her wheelchair and had her vaccinations.
◎While Lusan was collecting the dog bowls today, Seoul snuck up and peed on Lusan’s pants. You’re a naughty boy, Seoul!

◎The vet said that Yoyo is still not doing well. She needs to stay at the animal hospital for at least another week.
◎Long John’s condition has gotten worse. His mouth has become inflamed and it bleeds. The vet said we need to make sure he drinks 800CC of water every day, otherwise his kidney disease will become worse. If he looks weak or acts sluggish, we need to rush him to the vet ASAP. He’s currently staying in the office so we can keep an eye on him around the clock.
◎Sparky went to Stone Animal Hospital (世東) for the FIV and FeLV test. Great news, Sparky tested negative for feline aids!
◎May’s hernia has grown much bigger. We have to take her to the vet first thing tomorrow.
