
日記Diaries 8/1~8/18

01. 昨天被綁在門口的胖弟,不習慣在房間裡上廁所,一直吵著要出來呢。
02. 今天大家都點了蚤不到也吃了心絲蟲藥,一群志工就像在校外教學一樣覺得很新鮮的在幫狗狗點蚤不到呢。
01. Yesterday Pondy was waiting at the door because he did not want to go to the washroom indoors; he was constantly barking to be let out.
02. Today, everyone has taken flea and heartworm medication. It was like a school field trip because it was very new experience in helping the dogs take their meds.
01. 今天MAY一大早就拉肚子. 但出去散步的時候卻還是很有精神.明天會再觀察,若還是拉肚子就要趕快去看醫生囉.
02. 今天May和Da-Hei一起去散步,May一直去聞Da-Hei,想跟他玩, 但是Da-Hei不想.都不理她.
03. Oreo今天吃藥很乖,乖乖的把好幾顆藥丸都吃掉了.
04. 今天Charcoal在清傷口的時候很害羞, 因為有一個新來的員工Joe在旁邊看她,Charcoal在認識新朋友時都會比較緊張.
01. Today, early in the morning, May had diarrhea. However, she was very energetic as soon as she was taken out for a walk. She will need to be observed closely, and if May has diarrhea again tomorrow she will need to be taken to the vet’s asap.
02. Today, May and Da-Hei went for a walk together. May was constantly sniffing Da-Hei and wanted to play with him. However, Da-Hei did not want to play with May and ignored her.
03. Today Oreo was very good and took all her pills.
04. When Charcoal was getting her wound washed today he was a little afraid. The reason being was because a new staff member, Joe was standing beside looking at her. Charcoal tends to be nervous when strangers are present.
01. 明天要去出外景的狗狗名單確定嚕,Tripod.Molly.小黃,芃諭跟志工一起幫牠們洗香香呢。
02. Dani一早在大便堆裡面滾來滾去,大熊覺得她好臭喔,就把Dani抓去用毛巾擦洗澡了。
03. Mare發現胖弟會吃自己的便便,難怪房間裡都沒看過便便的存在。
01. The list of dogs that will be going outdoors tomorrow has been finalized. PengYu and another vlunteer helped Tripod, Mollly, and Xiao Huang take a bath.
02. Early in the morning Dani was found rolling around in poop, and DaXiong thought he was very dirty, so helped him take a bath.
03. Mare suspects that PangDi is eating his own poop because there is no poop found inside the room.
01. 虹君早上來陪Tripod他們一起去拍外景,希望他們今天能順利喔。
02. 下午的時候下起雨了,大家都提早回房間了。
01. HongJun came early in the morning to accompany Tripod and the rest of the doggies to take photos outdoors; I hope they will have a pleasant and smooth outing.
02. It started raining in the afternoon, so everyone went to their rooms early today.
01. Dofu今天被室友們做出猥褻的動作,Mare懷疑Dofu可能也沒有做到完整結紮,暫時隔離起來。
02. 妞妞看完醫生,醫生說牠的腳腫不是外傷,有可能是之前骨折後復原長的骨痂。
03. Oreo今天的回診,醫生說Oreo的狀況已經穩定不需要再吃藥嚕,真是個好消息呢。
01. Today, Dofu was mounted by Mare. Mare may not have been properly neutered /spade.
02. The vet said that the wound on Niu Niu’s leg is not external. It is possible that the joint was hurt from a previous accident and during recovery, there was extra tissue formed around the wound.
03. Oreo went to the Vet’s today for a check-up and the Vet said that Oreo does not need to continue taking meds – what good news.
01. mimi今天回來,因為之前結紮後出現一些詭異的身體現象,他的中途媽媽帶他回AT希望我們能幫她找到原因。後來到林醫師那裏檢查回來,好消息是mimi的身體狀況是越來越好,這些異常舉動是轉好的跡象喔。
02. 氣象說有颱風要來嚕,下午沒幾點就開始下雨了,希望明天風雨不要太大阿。
01. After Mimi was spade she seemed a little weird, so Mimi’s temporary Mom brought her back to At hoping we could find out what the matter was. After returning from Dr.Lin’s, there was good news. He said Mimi’s health is improving, and those weird actions are actually symptoms of recovery.
02. Weather report stated that a Typhoon was coming, then it started to rain in the afternoon. Hopefully, there will not be a big rainstorm tomorrow.
01. 颱風終於還是來了ˇˇ,一大早大風大雨,原本預定的教育課程因颱風取消了。
02. 因為風雨大大,所有的狗狗都在房間裡面度過一天也在房間裡吃飯,Mare跟Lusan第一次遇到要在房間餵食,真的是很特殊的颱風天阿。
01. The Typhoon finally arrived, and it was pouring rain with strong winds first in the morning. The educational training class was cancelled as a result of the Typhoon.
02. Due to the weather, all the doggies spent a day in their rooms, and also ate there. It was the first time Mare and Lusan had fed the doggies in their rooms, it was definitely a day to remember.
01. 原本以為今天會跟昨天一樣大風大雨,颱風聽說清晨就轉為輕颱了,狗狗們終於可以出房間好好的活動了。
02. 經過昨天的颱風Bamboo garden裡的竹子幾乎都吹彎了,還好沒有壓到狗狗也沒壓到貓咪房。
03. 今天請Annie跟致睿帶了Mouthy跟Stevie一起去陽明醫院檢查。
04. Dofu在隔離房完全變成髒兮兮的小孩了,Dofu阿你可是女生呢,要愛乾淨啦不要把大便踩的到處都是捏
01. Originally we thought there was going to be another day of pouring rain, however, the forecast predicted light rain. As such, the doggies were able to go outside and exercise a little.
02. After yesterday’s typhoon, almost all the bamboo in the bamboo garden were bent over. Luckily, the doggies were not hurt, and the bamboo did not fall on the cat shelter.
03. Today Annie and Zhirui took Mouthy and Stevie to YangMing Hospital for a check-up.
04. Dofu’s room is quite dirty, and has poop everywhere.
01. 有一對爸媽帶小孩來要領養貓咪,他們挑上了波斯貓Chubbs,不過不知道中途媽咪那邊怎樣,一切都還是未知數
02. 一大早來黑黑就非常熱情,聽說不是常態(?!),不過下雨牠倒是很鬱悶啊
03. 雨一陣一陣,下了又停停了又下,怕狗狗們感冒,提早就放回房間了
04. 要讓liberty大小便真不是一件簡單的事!!禁不住憋牠最後還是大在辦公室裡了…
01. A family came in today hoping to adopt a cat, and they were interested in Chubbs. However, we still need to contact Chubbs temporary Mom – the adoption has yet to be confirmed.
02. Early in the morning HeiHei was very enthusiastic, however, apparently, that is uncommon for him. When it rains, he does seem quite down.
03. It has been raining on and off, I am afraid the doggies will catch a cold, as such, they were moved back into their rooms earlier today.
04. It is not easy to house-train Liberty, he was unable to hold it in, and ended up pooping in the office.
01. Addie太熱情了,會一直不斷的舔我的腿不知道這樣對牠的隔離有沒有不好的影響…
02. Nanook和Marble打架了!!!據說結果是兩敗俱傷,Marble也因此被隔離了!
03. Mare說要把Pet一直留在牠原本的位置不用移到運動場了。
01. Addie is too enthusiastic, and he consistently licks my leg. I’m not sure if separating him from other dogs is creating bad behaviours.
02. Nanook & Marble had a fight, and both ended up getting hurt. As a result, Marble was separated from other dogs.
03. Mare said to leave Pet where he is, and to not move him outside to the activity area.
01. 狗狗放回三號房但Marble都一直被留在運動場2號籠。
02. 今天Brandy有來幫黑黑洗澡喔,但他好像沒有非常開心!
03. 今天有志工要帶Xiao Huan出去散步但牠好像不領情…
01. The dogs were moved to the 3rd bedroom, however, Marble has consistently been left in the 2nd cage of the activity area.
02. Today, Brandy came to help HeiHei take a bath again, however, HeiHei did not seem very happy.
03. Today a volunteer wanted to take Xiao Huan out for a walk, however, he/she did not seem to want to.
01. 今天Dofu在被志工帶去汐止要做第二次結紮時穿過車陣跑進深山裡了…Mare已經把Dofu的晶片號碼給醫院,接下來還要上網讓全台灣的收容所都知道Dofu走丟了的消息,希望可以早點找到他,找到他之前希望他可以都找得到東西吃並且很平安!!!
02. Dani今天有到頂樓蹦蹦跳跳的跑了幾圈,因為腳曾經受過傷,跑起來還有點像袋鼠呢
03. 午後下了一場大雨,狗狗們就提早回3號房了
04. 不知為何,今天Niu niu非常熱情的舔Stevie的臉,但他平常好像不是這樣的喔
05. Pundy和Oreo換隔離房間,因為Pundy原本的房間太小畢竟他很胖,但是換了房間他變得非常躁鬱,唉呀他只是個愛講話的孩子!!
06. Liberty有點進步了喔,人要靠近他至少不會立刻就要躲,加油加油Liberty!!!
01. Today a volunteer brought Dofu to DaZhi to be spade a 2nd time. However, when the arrived, she sprinted across the road and disappeared into the forest. Mare has already given Dofu’s picture to the vet’s. The next step is to go online and let all the animal shelters in Taiwan know that Dofu is missing, and hopefully we can find her soon. Meanwhile, we hope she is able to find food, and will be safe.
02. Dani ran a few laps today, and because he previously had been injured, he seems to hop a little bit like a squirrel when he runs.
03. It started to rain heavily in the afternoon, as such, the dogs were moved to the 3rd bedroom earlier.
04. Not sure why, but today Niu niu was very enthusiastic and kept licking Stevie’s face – this is out of the ordinary for Niu niu.
05. Pundy and Oreo were separated from the other dogs, and because Pundy quite big, they were moved to a bigger room. However, Pundy seemed unhappy after the move and is barking a lot.
06. Liberty has shown improvement because when ppl try to near him, he does not shy away anymore.
01. 今天是Phoenix 和Chance打架! 咬得毛東少一塊西少一塊的。
02. Oreo承接了Pundy的作品---咬木門、終於在今天他咬破了一個洞並且在隔離房走廊跑來跑去好像很神氣的樣子。所以他立刻就被換房間了
03. 今天要放回三號房的時候Frankie一直待在運動場7號籠的小木屋子裡、進去請他大爺才半推半就的走出來。
04. Pat今天有去散步但又亂跑了、Pet你不乖難怪你要坐”特別座“!
01. Today Phoenix and Chance got into a fight and left them missing pieces of fur hear and there.
02. Oreo has picked up on one of Pundy’s bad behaviours – biting the wooden door. Finally, today he bit a hole in the door and started to run around in the room, and seemed very angry. As such, he was moved to another room.
03. Today when all the dogs were being moved into the 3rd bedroom, Frankie stayed inside the doghouse in cage 7 in the activity area. Eventually, after a little tugging and pulling he came out.
04. Today Pat was running all over the place while on his walk. No wonder Pat is punished when he is not obedient by sitting in the “special seat”.
01. Lilian昨天救援的小黃狗,今天經過醫師的評斷,小黃狗受半身癱瘓到連排泄都無法排出體外,醫師建議安樂死,Lilian聽了之後心裡很難過。
02. Pondy今天一早為了想出去上廁所把隔離房的門撞壞了,目前只能暫時鍊在隔離房裡。
03. Nanook今天腳受傷了,Mare想說應該是跟Juno吵架的時候用傷了。
01. Lillian rescued a little golden colored dog yesterday. Today, the vet said that the lower half of the dog is paralyzed to the state whereby he is unable to secrete feces. The vet suggested that the dog be put to sleep – Lillian was very sad after hearing this.
02. Pondy broke the door in the separation room as an attempt to go outside to relieve himself. At the moment, we will temporarily chain him inside the separation room.
03. Nanook’s leg was hurt today, and Mare thinks that it was a result of Nanook and Juno’s fight.20
01. Toby跟大黑今天也點小爭執,還好沒有受傷。
02. 下午的時候下了一陣午後雷陣雨,Mare跟Chiao還有一群志工合力將狗狗快速的趕回三號房,沒想到剛放好沒多久雨就停了,Chiao又把他們放出來。
03. Chiao中午餵狗狗的時候,Mare覺得Chiao跟狗狗的互動真的是越來越棒了,不過Sporty還是沒有那麼快接受他呢。
01. Toby and DaHei had a minor altercation today, fortunately no one was hurt.
02. It rained in the afternoon, so Mare, Chiao, and another volunteer moved the dogs into the 3rd bedroom. However, soon afterwards, the raining stoped so Chiao let the dogs out again.
03. While Chiao was feeding the dogs today, Mare felt that Chiao is interacting very well with the dogs. However, Chiao has yet to establish a bond with Sporty.
01. 15:30 franky looks like 不開心 but afternoon 16:15,,,,,,志工後來帶他go to walk then 又happy again 多注意franky ok
02. Oreo 16:20 joey帶他去屋頂時感覺他fat to much why why why maybe eat to much ya ya ya ya
03. Fat弟 又把A門 撞壞拉 再撞一次maybe用metal door 就不會壞嘞 he he he he just a joke
04. 17:30 我要放三號房時 Marbel and Wendell 打架嘞 and then 兩個都受傷嘞
And then 我也幫牠們上藥 嘞 if 大家有 free time just 看看 傷口 有沒有 好一些
01. Franky seemed unhappy at 15:30, however, he was happy again at 16:15 after a volunteer took him for a walk.
02. Joey felt that Oreo has gained weight – possibly he is eating too much.
03. PangDi broke door A again.
04. Today Marbel and Wendell got into a fight while I was moving them to the 3rd bedroom. I have placed some medicine on the wounds, however, if others have time, pls take a look at their wounds to make sure they are getting better.

01. 本來和狗不親近的Phoenix, 今天竟然和Pudding玩在一塊! : )
02. 下午時, 芃諭看到Toby在挑臖Dahei, 沒想到放狗時, Dahei和Whitey聯合欺負Toby! 
03. 志工帶有巨直腸症的黑白小貓咪來讓Natasha帶回作foster。巨直腸症使牠大便大不出來所以營養吸收不好,三四個月的貓咪還是巴掌大,還好牠生命力很強,希望牠可以很快正常排便!
04. (Joey的日記是想要笑破我的肚皮嗎?!)
05. Mouthy看醫生回來了,現在一天要點好多次的眼藥水!快點好起來吧Mouthy!
01. Phoenix whom normally does not interact with other dogs much was seen playing to Pudding today!
02. PungYu saw Toby and Dahei showing signs of aggression towards each other. When the dogs were being moved to their bedrooms, Dahei and Whitey attacked Toby together.
03. A volunteer brought an ill white and black cat for Natasha to bring home to foster. Because the cat’s intestinal walls are too thick, the feces is unable to pass through, causing the cat unable to poop. The cat is 3-4mths old , yet is only the size of a palm. Luckily, the has a very strong will to live, hopefully he will get well soon.
04. (Joey’s diary entries are hilarious.)

